Thursday, December 20, 2012


I used many tools on this Final Exam such as the Gradient tool, shapes tool, shape builder tool and many tools we went over in class. The hardest part was very easy to most people and that was the letter because I was rushing I had to improvise. In all this project helped me how to use many tools to make a good image possible.

Monday, December 17, 2012


   I chose this tutorial to help me create a Christmas themed project picture to help give holiday spirit. This project used the symbol tool pathfinder and roughing with a little of twists in turns in the whole project. I also used pen and typography to also go in the spirit of things.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Pattern & Logo

Pattern & Logo

    I used this pattern for a robotic look to it for selling my packaging product. The pattern look good for a robot company. The pattern fits well and I like the fact that it is in computer language. (Binary Code) For my Company logo I used also a robotic theme to help portray that it is selling a robot.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Personal Logo

Personal Logo

   The hardest part of the personal project logo was the designing of logo itself. The easiest part of the project was to think of the spokes man. The typography in both are suppose to be cartoony and serious. In all this project has showed me how to be a graphic designer and help me become one.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Farm Insurance Logo Project

Farm Insurance Logo Project

  The Farmers Insurance logo design project was an easy one. The hardest part was looking for and writing down notes about Farmers Insurance and its opponents. The easiest thing in the project was designing the logo it self with the help of my notes it made it way easier to know what to do. I used many tools in this project I know how to use so far and ones I've known how to use. In all this project has taught me what it takes and how long it takes to create a logo.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Splat Project

Splat Project
  During the splat project the hardest part was designing the adding of the splattered paint. The techniques I used where using the 3d tool and the other effects to create a 3d image. The easiest part was making the splattered objects a symbol and positioning it to look like it is on a surface. In all this project was a lot of fun and wish to use the 3d tool again.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Vector Effect Project

Vector Effect Project
  The Snowboard Vector project was an easy project, though we did use tools I didn't know about. The tools we used in the project where, the granite tool, Spray tool, Symbol tool, and so on. In all this project wasn't as hard as I thought it would be and was pretty easy.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lily Pad Project

Lily Pad Project
The Lily Pad Projects hardest step was the one with the blending, due to it was new to me I had trouble understanding it and it confused me more than once. We used many tools in this project the Blend Tool, Mesh Gradient Tool, Opacity Tool, Pen Tool, ect. The easiest part of the project was the blending of the background, at first it was confusing but when I figured it out it was very easy. In all this project was a new learning experience and took skill and concentration to finish.

Bellwork October 16

Bellwork October 16

To make a Gradient mesh you select the object you want Gradient-ed and select the color and mitch mash the color, the Gradient tool is used to make it a Gradient mesh.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thomas Basketball Player

Basketball Player Project
   Designing this character from the tutorial was not as challenging as it may appear, but some of it was like the basket ball and the positioning of the eyes and nose. The easiest part was mostly every thing else besides the tools that where used. Following all the steps I had to do to finish this project was challenging, The Knife tool, the Shape builder, and the clipping mask where all new to me making it challenging. This project helped me understand more about using shapes, tools, and other Accessories. This project was easy and fun and I enjoyed the time we had on it.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bellwork October 4

Bellwork October 4

To get a picture/image you first look for the image then you copy and paste it to adobe illustrator and then put it in a layer (if you are copying) and lock it.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bellwork October 2

Bellwork October 2

   Steps to using the pattern brush and how to use it are, first you create the shape you want as a pattern and then go to Window>Brush then select the shape of what you want to be a brush and drag it into the Brush Panel and then it is a brush.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Pen Tool Sign Project

Pen Tool Sign Project

    The most challenging part of this assignment was the part with the WELCOME sign trying to get it straight and correctly spaced. I used what was given to me to finish the project but I did use one technique I use in Animation drawing with the anchor points, I couldn't get it correct so I had to improvise. But I did do it correctly and it does look like a replica of the sign. The easiest part was doing the light bulbs even though I had to redo it twice.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bellwork September 27

Bellwork September 27

Using a color scheme makes the person who is reading it ether, easy to read, to draw attention, to fit its meaning and emotion. My color scheme was to ketch an eye on what the quote was and making it bold and correct by its importance by using the main colors RGB.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Typography Test/Project

Typography Test/Project

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
-Albert Einstein

   I chose this quote because, Albert Einstein is one of my all time hero from inventing and how he saw things, and also of its meaning to me. The meaning of this quote to me is if you do the same thing over and over again like I sometimes do trying to get a different result when it is exactly the same is something I do all the time and I find it funny for being like that. I picked the color because not only to color code the different fonts but to also show the different kind of things that would go along with it since Albert Einstein is a famous scientist he should have the main colors RGB to symbolize his quotes. I guess I find my self insane at points I have done a problem over and over and finding out that the answer was right in front of me and making me feel stupid for not noticing sooner. Albert Einstein is one of my all time hero's so his quotes mean and have a better understanding to me.

Bellwork September 25

Bellwork September 25

1.)Leading- Spacing between baseline.

2.)Kerning- The spacing of a letter and how close the letter/word it to each other.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Glyph Monster

Glyph Monster
Made by: Britain Thomas

On my Glyph Monster I chose a wasp and I struggled the hardest with the wings and legs, because of the angle it was very hard to piece it together correctly. All the shapes and tools used in the photo are all Glyphs/Letters and was used on Adobe Illustrator.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bellwork September 19

Bellwork September 19


Monday, September 17, 2012

Bellwork September 17

Bellwork September 17

When picking what type to use it must be appropriate to what you are typing, business letter is being formal, party is decorative, also it is important you can read the text so you can know what it is saying.

Friday, September 14, 2012


I did this type of design to pop out at an audience and to show the cool and creative look to a poster or a picture if you used one.

-Britain Thomas

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bellwork September 13

Bellwork September 13

  Typography is the way you use fonts and other writing traits in a packet, website, logo, ect and is a form of expressing an idea with words and is used for multiple different ways and forms.The reason for typography in graphic design is so that people can see the different and creative sources of fonts, some fonts are for decoration when others are for formal letters, invites, ect.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bellwork September 11

Bellwork September 11

Old English

Monday, September 10, 2012

Bellwork September 10

Bellwork September 10

Ethics means the principals on how and what to do properly in order to get something done right. Ethics are a key role in Graphic Design and Illustration because as Graphic Designers we must follow rules and ethics to get something done correctly and how we do it. Without ethics it would be very hard to design on what the person wants as a design.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Bellwork Spt 5

Bellwork September 5

The first trademark that was registered was Coca-Cola.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bellwork Spt. 4

Bellwork September 4

The principals of design are: 

1.)Monograph- A symbol to use as a language. (A, B, C, D...)

2.)Pictograph- A picture to show a meaning. (Picture of a sheep, ect)

3.)Trade mark- To use as a branding symbol on goods created by a person/business. (LD, ect)

4.)Alignment- To make in a order on witch to read, measure, and marked. (Parking lots, Reading left to right, ect)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Bellwork September 3

   It makes me feel like there is a light on in the picture, making my mood normal. Some pictures make your mood different depending on what the image is.